Elisabeth Jacquet de la Guerre (1665-1729)

My Website will be talking about the woman composer Elisabeth Jacquet de la Guerre.


Elisabeth Jacquet de la Guerre was a parisian singer and harpsichordist. She is known in history as the first woman in France to write an opera.She was born into a family of musicians and instrument builders. She was considered a musical prodigy and made her debut at the court of Louis XIV apparently at a young age. Around the age of 15 she was taken into the court as a musician and was placed under the care of the kings mistress Madame de Montespan. She left the court in 1684 and married Marin de la Guerre. Elisabeth still dedicated nearly all of her published works to the king implying she still kept in contact with the royal circle throughout her career. I couldn't find a picutre of her that I was sure I was allowed to use so I setteled on a picture of sheet music.

Works credited to her name

Sheet Music"Sheet Music" by Gord Bell is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0